2013 LA Roadster Show

Another great year at the LA Roadster Show. I have many fond memories of this event. Father’s Day for me and my family always meant going with my dad to this show. It was a family tradition that I am happy to carry on with my family. This year we brought out our new wheel line up and we had a very special treat of displaying the Vern Luce Coupe in our booth. This car was the car that put my dad on the hot rodding map. Everyone remembers and recognizes Cadzilla, Chezoom, and the Boydsters but the Vern Luce Coupe was the car that started the ‘Boyd Look’. It was pretty cool to watch people come up and check it out. You had people that remembered the car then you had people that it was their first time seeing it. Some people that had never seen it before were blown away that the car was built over 30 years ago. While these events are technically “work” for us we have such a great time talking to customers and running into old friends that I would do this kind of “work” anytime over a 9-5 job working for someone else.