20×19 Junk Yard Dogs

Here is an update on those massive 20×19 rims we built. They ended up getting some Junk Yard Dog centers in them. These wheels are going on the back of Tim Cotterill’s current project Rocket III which is planned for completion Summer 2013. If it’s going to anything like Rocket II then it’s going to be one hell of a machine. These 20×19’s have a 6.5″ backspace. We have included a pic next to a 17×10 rim to show you the size difference. Below are pics of Tim’s last project Rocket II that featured 20×15 JYD’s on it. Tim, aka Frogman, is a great guy with a great story and tons of artistic talent. For more information on Tim you can check out Frogmancollection.com. For more information on these wheels call 866-612-2693 or email.