Properly Measuring Backspace and Rim Width

Two very important measurements that need to be taken into consideration when building custom wheels and getting the proper fit for your vehicle are rim width and backspacing or offset. Measuring the rim width is done by measuring bead to bead. This will give you the true width. Measuring edge to edge will not give you an accurate measurement and will cause problems for you when figuring out offset and how big of a wheel you can fit on your vehicle. Keeping that in mind remember that every wheel will measure an extra inch edge to edge(+ or -)so if your figuring out if an 8″ wide wheel will fit on your vehicle you need to be taking into consideration an overall width of 9″.

The next important measurement is backspace. This is the distance from the backside edge of the wheel down to the mounting surface on the wheel. Knowing how to take these measurements properly will help you and Hot Rods by Boyd get the right fitment on your vehicle. Below are pictures of how to take both measurements. Never hesitate to email or call if you have any questions.