Tribute to a Fallen Friend

This week we lost a very good friend and fellow hot rodder. I first met Anthony Castaneda through my younger brother Gregg around 2000. Anthony was a member of the Shifters Car Club in Southern California. This group of guys were at the forefront of the traditional hot rod rebirth that some labeled as the Rat Rod movement that started to appear in the late 90’s. The Shifters looked and lived the part. Longing for the days of the post war hot rod era what the Shifters lacked in technology they made up for in style and tradition. While I was surrounded by high tech hot rods and high dollar builds at my dad’s shop it was cool to see these guys do their thing and be true to the traditions of hot rodding. One of the first cars that stood out to me when I met the Shifters was Anthony’s Brown Neck Bandito. This green metal flake Roth inspired bubble top roadster sported 59 Chevy rear fins and radir wheels. Out of all the other rods in the group this was the car that drew the attention. Totally cool. Anthony was a great guy. Always down to have a good time and trade a joke or two. The guy was always personable and once he welcomed you in, you were in,  you were a friend. Over the last 3 years Anthony and my brother Gregg shared a shop and were roommates. It was always fun to stop by the shop to just hang out and shoot the shit and see what the guys were up to. I will miss those times and I will miss Anthony. Anthony left behind 2 young daughters. There is a fund set up his girls via paypal @